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Can I Deliver To Amazon FBA Myself

Can I Deliver To Amazon FBA Myself?

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There are many small businesses on the horizon who are looking to promote their brand by any means necessary.

Depending on your business’ services and products that are offered, it could be worth using the marketing giant of Amazon to your advantage.

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) can be a valuable resource for storage as well as brand promotion.

This is because it typically works by storing your products before packing them according to customer orders. It is usually up to the seller to decide how they want to promote their product, and which items they want to use. 

If you are looking for new ways to promote your business without breaking the bank, you could consider using Amazon’s FBA service.

There are different factors that could apply to your products and brand to think about before planning the delivery methods. 

If you want to deliver to Amazon FBA yourself, then check out these key points before planning your first trip. 

Why Deliver To Amazon FBA Yourself?

Because of the enormous scale of Amazon and the range of locations that it reaches, it can be highly beneficial to use their FBA service in order to increase your business’ income and generate more consistent sales. 

Why Deliver To Amazon FBA Yourself

If you want to save a little money, or if your product is a little more delicate that needs to be transported with additional care, you may want to hand-deliver your items to the Amazon FBA.

These are the main reasons why you may be considering delivering your products to Amazon FBA yourself. 

Delivering To Amazon FBA Warehouse Myself

Save On Warehouse Costs

If you have a product that is a little larger than average, then you may want to deliver to Amazon FBA yourself to save costs on storage.

When products are stored under Amazon’s authority, they are typically a little more secure and protected than many other warehouses. This is mostly because of their increased amount of security checks that are regularly done. 

Deliver To Amazon FBA to Save on warehouse fees


If you live close to an Amazon warehouse or FBA center, then it could be a more efficient use of time and resources to hand-deliver your products so that you do not have to schedule a collection or delivery time.

Ensure that you are fully stocking your truck with the predetermined amount of stock before heading out. 

It can be significantly easier for you to deliver your product if you live close by or if your business is based close to an Amazon FBA warehouse.

If you have a trip planned in that area, or if you want to save a little money on additional gas costs, then you could fill up your truck with the right amount of products and stock and schedule a stop at the FBA warehouse ahead of time. 

Can I Deliver To Amazon FBA Myself (1)


Another reason why you may want to hand-deliver your items to the FBA center is to make sure that they are being taken care of, and prevent in-transit damage from occurring. 

Delicate items that have been hand made or created using more fragile materials such as glass are more prone to breakages. For a little peace of mind and reassurance, you could deliver a truck load of your products yourself.

So It Is Possible? 

You absolutely can deliver to Amazon FBA yourself if you want to, but there are certain factors to consider. These can impact the amount of money saved in the long run, and ensure that you are not wasting valuable time. 

LTL Requirements

You will need to follow LTL (Less Than Truckload) delivery requirements. This determines the total amount that you are permitted to deliver, and whether you are bringing a truckload.

For larger goods or products in higher quantities, it could be worth searching for FTL (Full Truck Load) requirements and following those accordingly. 

Pallets and other equipment are therefore needed in order to safely pack and unpack your products, so it is worth comparing the two requirements and deciding what category you fall into. 


Make sure that you have done your research and that you know where your warehouse destination is. Depending on what state your business is located in, you may find your nearest Amazon FBA warehouse a significant distance away. 

In cases such as these, it may be a better use of time and resources to pay additional money on Amazon FBA’s collection service that means that you don’t have to worry about it as much. 

On the flip side, however, it is also worth noting that built-up areas may have more than one Amazon warehouse. Because of this, you should make sure that you are headed to the right location, and that you know exactly where to go. 


Similarly to location, it is worth acknowledging that there is a great deal of time that can be wasted on this process. Ensure that you allow the appropriate scheduling ahead of time to prevent excessive waiting periods. 

Book a slot several weeks before your trip so that you are more likely to actually be seen on that particular time or date.

This is usually due to the high traffic that Amazon typically experiences, although you should be aware of this ahead of time and plan your trip accordingly. 

Making sure that you are as accurate as possible and have all the appropriate details can provide you with a great head start that makes the most out of the FBA service, and allows the process to feel a little easier. 

Further Reading:

Frequently Asked Questions

Drip Feed Products to Amazon To Save

Is Hand-Delivering Products To Amazon FDA Good Value For Money?

It really depends on the type of product you are selling and what quantity you want to deliver. \

If you have access to a large truck and live close to the warehouse, then this could save a little money on delivery costs while ensuring that your business is promoted.

However, people who are based further away from warehouses or who have smaller amounts that they want to deliver may not see a great amount of money saved in the long run. 

Does Amazon Charge Before Shipping?

How Much Promotion Will My Business Get?

In short, your products will be available to anyone who wants them and searches via Amazon.

It can be a highly useful tool that allows you to hit the ground running and generate a global audience.

The amount of time and money that comes from using FBA services can allow you to promote your business through social media, advertising, and other marketing tactics. 

Where Can I Find Out More About Amazon’s FBA service? 

There are an enormous selection of products and services available online that have been made to inform people about the FBA process. One example is informative books that demonstrate the overall pros and cons of these types of services on your business. 


There are numerous factors to consider when you are planning to use Amazon’s FBA service and whether you should hand-deliver to their warehouse.

Ensure that you are making the right choices for your business, and that you are reaching your intended audience. It is also worth comparing the different costs and overall benefits of the collection and delivery methods that you are thinking about using.

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